Conditions Treating

Natural Herbal Treatments

Both Sandeep Kumar and Anupam Vasudeva are qualified and dedicated complimentary health therapists with over 20 years of experience using naturopathy ayurvedic herbal medicines and are committed to helping you achieve your goals to gain optimum wellness and vitality so you can enjoy and get the most out of life.


Our Treatments

Many of our patients have lived with health conditions for years, unable to find the answers to their problems, despite seeing multiple health practitioners and spending mountains of money.

Our team of Naturopaths understand the pain and frustration this can bring and therefore spend a significant amount of time listening to you. They will ask questions to get to know you, your health issues, and your personal story. This allows us to fully understand and treat your condition.

We can use lab testing, to show us the underlying cause of your health problem. We then use evidence-based naturopathic treatments such as herbal medicine, and nutritional and lifestyle modification strategies to restore your health.


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